How to Treat Asthma With Aromatherapy

How to Treat Asthma With Aromatherapy

Signs and symptoms of someone suffering from asthma can be a dry cough or full blown respiratory distress, prolongation of expiratory phase, nasal flaring, accessory breathing muscles, retractions, irritability or lethargy, the person having an odd color, feeding difficulty, speaking difficulty due to the neck muscles tightening, wheezing or poor air movement, chest tightness or pain, rapid heart rate and sweating. Changes in lifestyle, housing and diet may have contributed to the rise in asthma over the last few decades also. Certain foods including cow's milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, yeast products, nuts, and some food colorings and preservatives, can make symptoms worse. Exercising too much or engaging in certain physical activities can bring on attacks so the amount a person exercises should be monitored. Weather plays a big part in asthma symptoms as a change in temperature, wind, poor air quality and humidity are all known triggers for asthma.

Things You'll Need:

A carrier base for the oils such as water (for a bath) oils or lotion - evening primrose is recommended for asthma as it is an antispasmodic and therefore good for reducing muscular spasms.

Patience to find the right essential oils.

Measuring cup or devices for measuring dilution in your chosen carrier.


Choose your carrier oil. If you want to have a bath add only 8-10 drops of essential oils after you have run the bath. If using lotion add 20 drops to 100ml of lotion. If using base oils add 2 drops to every 5mls (for a full body massage you will generally need 15-25mls altog).


Essential oils which could help the condition are:

Melissa as it is hypotensive and good for reducing palpitations and asthma,


Pine as it is good for infections of the respiratory tract,


Benzoin a.k.a Friars Balsalm is recognized as being the most powerful lung tonic and bronchial dilator in aromatherapy world. Important to note that benzoin will stain a plastic bath tub so be aware of this,


as it is antispasmodic and expectorant to reduce muscular spasms and help remove phlegm and catarrh,


Cajeput as it is antispasmodic to reduce muscular spasm and expectorant to help remove phlegm and catarrh,


Eucalyptus as it is antispasmodic and expectorant to reduce muscular spasm and expectorant to help remove phlegm and catarrh,


Lemon as it is antispasmodic and hypotensive to lower blood pressure and reduce muscular spasms,


Frankencense as it is anti-inflammatory and expectorant to reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure,


as it is antispasmodic, anticonvulsive and hypotensive to lower blood pressure and control spasms,


Majoram as it is antispasmodic, expectorant and hypotensive to reduce spasms, remove phlegm and catarrh and lower blood pressure,


Peppermint as it is anti-inflammatory and expectorant to reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure,

Tips & Warnings

Certain oils are alot stronger than others so when using oils start with a smaller dilution first. Some oils can affect sensitive skin also so try a skin patch test on the oils of your choice before jumping into a bath full of them. The best place to apply oil for a patch test is behind your ear.