How to Treat a Urinary Tract Infection With Herbs
Your mom might have told you when you were young to drink cranberry juice because it wards off urinary tract infections. Well, it's true. Cranberry is one of a few natural remedies for an infection. One out of every 5 women will get at least one urinary tract infection in her lifetime. Women are 20 times more likely to get these as men. Here are suggestions for herbal treatments.
Research the history behind cranberries. They contain proanthocyanidins, which are antioxidant compounds.
Drink up. Look for cranberry juice with as much juice as possible. A cocktail with only 10 percent juice won't be as effective. Opt for the real deal. If you get urinary tract infections often, try to drink two glasses every day.
Consider taking cranberry in pill form instead. In one study, participants took concentrated cranberry extract, containing 400 milligrams of cranberry solids, twice a day.
Take goldenseal root. It has a long history of being a strong antimicrobial agent. Take 1,000 milligrams daily in capsule form. Or, make a tea with 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup water.
Turn to uva-ursi. It's been used as a urinary antiseptic for more than 1,000 years and is very effective against the most common cause of urinary tract infections.
Buy your supplements at a natural foods store or online. Don't hesitate to ask the salesperson for advice.
Tips & Warnings
Cranberry is safe for nursing and pregnant women.
While taking uva-ursi, avoid acidic foods or supplements.
See your doctor when you get a urinary tract infection.
Uva-ursi can turn your urine a dark green color. It's harmless.
Your mom might have told you when you were young to drink cranberry juice because it wards off urinary tract infections. Well, it's true. Cranberry is one of a few natural remedies for an infection. One out of every 5 women will get at least one urinary tract infection in her lifetime. Women are 20 times more likely to get these as men. Here are suggestions for herbal treatments.
Research the history behind cranberries. They contain proanthocyanidins, which are antioxidant compounds.
Drink up. Look for cranberry juice with as much juice as possible. A cocktail with only 10 percent juice won't be as effective. Opt for the real deal. If you get urinary tract infections often, try to drink two glasses every day.
Consider taking cranberry in pill form instead. In one study, participants took concentrated cranberry extract, containing 400 milligrams of cranberry solids, twice a day.
Take goldenseal root. It has a long history of being a strong antimicrobial agent. Take 1,000 milligrams daily in capsule form. Or, make a tea with 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup water.
Turn to uva-ursi. It's been used as a urinary antiseptic for more than 1,000 years and is very effective against the most common cause of urinary tract infections.
Buy your supplements at a natural foods store or online. Don't hesitate to ask the salesperson for advice.
Tips & Warnings
Cranberry is safe for nursing and pregnant women.
While taking uva-ursi, avoid acidic foods or supplements.
See your doctor when you get a urinary tract infection.
Uva-ursi can turn your urine a dark green color. It's harmless.